
HarpNinja 2.1 has started the release journey!

  • HarpNinja 2.1 iOS/Mac are currently “Waiting For Review” status at their respective AppStores. Submitted on 29/11/2013, and usually takes 5-7 days.
  • HarpNinja 2.1 PC has been released. To update just download the demo and install.

Release notes

New Features

  • PitchTracker has a new popup list for selecting presets
    • Pitch5Cents: Pitch only, note lights up green within 5 cents
    • Pitch10Cents: Pitch only, note lights up green within 10 cents
    • PitchVol5Cents: Shows Pitch & Vol, 5 cent tolerance
    • PitchVol10Cents: Shows Pitch & Vol, 10 cent tolerance
  • Chromatic Tuning Dojo now includes a “Low Octave” checkbox to shift the lowest start note from C4 to C3.
  • Some UI tweaks

Bug Fixes

  • n/a